Here we are in the dreaded month of September.
What do I expect to take place this month?
Many are insisting that the Rapture is going to take place this
month because of all the other things that are going to happen.
I'm not convinced of that.
I long for the coming of the Lord for his believers perhaps more
than anyone on this earth. But that doesn't have to take place
in the context of what IS going to happen this month, though it
certainly may. If I and any other believer you know is suddenly
gone, please understand that there is going to be an explanation
given to the world and it will be a LIE. The explanation for our
disappearance is going to be a LIE. The world is going to come
under "the great deception." Anyone reading this, please
remember this, remember that it's a lie. If you want to know
what REALLY happened, read:
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, whether it happens now or later.
All else is going to center around what happens at the joint
session of Congress, and what happens when the pope speaks
before the United Nations, all later this month. Many believe this
is the opening of the New World Order, grounded in the Illuminati,
and bringing in the great Tribulation. It really does look that way.
But the more I think on it and discuss it with like-minded believers,
the more I formulate my opinion that one of two things is going to
happen in New York and Washington.
1. They may SET UP what will later unfold as "The New World Order"
which the Bible has told us so much about. The fact that it's being
set up, does not mean it all comes into place at once, and that's
where my hesitance lies. We know that the Lord is going to take the
born-again believers BEFORE the revealing of the Antichrist who
will head this global government. But if this New World Order is just
being set up, it could take time for it to all come together before the
Antichrist, the "Man of Lawlessness" is revealed and therefore believers
could be here for awhile longer.
2. Or - They might LAUNCH the New World Order. And if that's the
case, then the Lord will be taking the born-again believers prior to that.
During the years 2014-2015 there are 4 "blood moons," which are total
eclipses of the moon resulting in the moon looking red. Each one falls
on a Biblical holy day. God has set this in motion and stressed that, by
placing each one ONLY on Biblical feast days. What are the odds of
that? There are also two eclipses of the sun, turning the sun black.
This is alerting us to be very watchful, especially in light of this verse:
"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood,
BEFORE the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord."
Joel 2:31
Jesus called that "great and terrible day of the Lord" the great Tribulation:
"For then there will be great tribulation,
such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time,
no, nor ever shall be."
Matthew 24:21
What CERN is doing is going to cause many "natural disasters" the likes
of which we've never before known. Also, it's precipitating an upsurge
in violence the likes of which we've never known either.
The Shmitah is the date on God's calendar when once-godly nations fall
or rise. Most Bible teachers have recognized and informed their people
that America has crossed the line over into the place of no return. Don't
even pray for America, it's over. Judgment will fall and God could use
what's happening this month to bring it on. It's going to be horrendous.
America is going down. In relation to the Shmitah, the financial system
is going to collapse.
The once-in-50-years "Jubilee," signals a major turn of the situation for
Israel. The Psalm 83 war will most likely take place next spring, and the
whole Israel story takes on a new look. We expect that they will have a
LOT of their God-given covenant land restored to them, and that they
will be enabled to build their Temple.
JADE HELM 2015-2016
This is the preparation for martial law. I stress the word "preparation."
It goes on into Jade Helm 2016. We do not know when it's all going to
come together, but that it IS -is beyond question.
One of the New World Order's objectives is depopulation. They say
there are too many "useless eaters" using up the world's resources. They
have stated that they mean to reduce the population of the earth by 90%.
There are 6 billion people on the earth, and they mean to eliminate 5-1/2
billion. They say the population needs to be kept under 500 million. This
is written in stones set up somewhat like Stonehenge, only these are set
up in Georgia. The 2030 Agenda will be announced on September 25.
The Georgia Guidestones 1
The Georgia Guidestones 2
Here's a chart, a list of all that's going to take place this month:
September Chart
I have a video site with explanations about all of these things. When you get
to the site, notice the menu bar at the top. I've grouped some of the videos
there in categories. Also, down the right-hand side are the many posts on all
kinds of related subjects.